Master in Distance Education (MDE)
The Master in Distance Education (MDE) is offered by the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) and Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany. The 36 credit-hour-degree program consists of 7 core courses and 4 elective courses, with a further requirement of a final project and is designed in a completely online format.
The MDE is designed to prepare individuals to manage the distance education enterprise within educational, business, government and non-profit organizations. In this expanding field, the graduates will be able to engage in the planning, budgeting, development, delivery and support of distance education and distance training programs.

Graduates of the program are able to:

      -   Develop and communicate a mission and vision for the implementation of distance education within an organization
      -   Function effectively as leader, manager and team member within a distance education or training organization
      -   Develop strategic goals and business plans for distance education within an organization
      -   Analyze and recommend an organizational distance education technology plan, and manage the implementation of that technology in distance delivery
      -   Design, implement, and assess the necessary support services for a distance education program
Graduates develop competencies in the following areas within the distance education field:
      -   Organizational and management processes
      -   Leadership and change management
      -   Information technology
      -   Business development, strategic action planning, problem solving, ethics, and social responsibility

                                                  Certificates of Distance Education
A variety of Certificates of Distance Education (four courses: 12 credit hours) are offered in various specialization areas. Bob Tipple acquired a certificate  in Distance Education Leadership while working on his Masters:

Distance Education Leadership
The certificate in distance education leadership focuses on aspects related to management of distance education.  It provides a basic foundation in terms of theory and history of distance education, as well as the use of technology in distance education.  The fundamentals of online teaching and distance education leadership and management are also included.